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How do I know if I have a software or hardware problem?

  No sound, lost internet connection, system not booting, any number of problems arise that could be attributed to either a failing hardware or a glitch in software. There is a very simple way to determine the cause of the problem.  In previous tutorials we discussed how to select a linux distribution and how to burn an iso file.  Find a linux Distro that runs as a live cd/dvd.  I like linux Mint.  Linux mint is very easy to use.  Burn it to CD/DVD and boot the computer to the live system.
Use the live system to test the problem. If the hardware works with linux then it is a software issue on your current system.  If it still does not work, then the hardware may be defective.  It is that simple.  Most linux distros also come with ram testing utilities and hard drive smart tests.
I could have written a very long tutorial on how to navigate to device manager and inspect drivers, and for irq conflicts. How to check the Windows error log files.   Then go on to explain how to inspect the internal boards, reseat cards, clean the ram, ect., but why? 
When I arrive at a service call and the complaint is a computer component not working.  First I reboot the computer (that fixes the problem about %75 of the time) and if there is no change, I try the linux live cd.  I then have a good indication of whether  the problem is with the hardware or with the operating system.

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